Oke in the first day of #wikufest2014 in there we are so excited to attend this event because this event have a lot of experience about business , entrepreuner, and the others . oke this is some of photos about wikufest 3 in the frist day
This is some merchandises of wikufest 3
But this merchandises photo taken by my friends
This is the scene before presentation
Wow we got a new model right? Haha
We are grade 11 and grade 12 waiting for the mentor to presentation
Upssss i don't know why that stuff in the area? Maybe someone will kidding with this haha
But this is nice to take this photo
Hahaha , this is my name tag in #wikufest3 with #mozilla
Okey this day is very funny because i got some experience and got some prize from #wikufest3 rhank's hehe , oke i think enough see you next post i will share about #wikufest3 in second day ,,, i wish your day is great like me .. Bye
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